George Matheos

George Matheos

PhD Student



I’m a 1st year PhD student at MIT studying computer science. My research is advised by Vikash Mansinghka, Josh Tenenbaum, and Leslie Kaelbling.

I recently completed my undergraduate studies in math and computer science at UC Berkeley. At Berkeley, my research was advised by Stuart Russell.

During the year of 2020-2021, I worked full-time as a researcher at the MIT Probabilistic Computing Project, advised by Vikash Mansinghka and Alex Lew.

For more information, see my CV.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Probabilistic Programming
  • Cognitive AI
  • Robotics
  • PhD in Computer Science (in progress)

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • BA in Mathematics and Computer Science, 2023

    University of California, Berkeley


(2024). Partially Observable Task and Motion Planning with Uncertainty and Risk Awareness. RSS, 2024.

PDF Project

(2023). SMCP3: SMC with Probabilistic Program Proposals. AISTATS, 2023.

PDF Code Poster Video

(2022). Brain computation as fast spiking neural Monte Carlo inference in probabilistic programs. Poster at NAISys, at CSHL, Aug 2022. Poster at MIT Quest for Intelligence, Nov 2022. Paper in preparation.

PDF Poster

(2020). Transforming Worlds: Automated Involutive MCMC for Open Universe Probabilistic Programs. AABI, 2020.

PDF Cite Code Poster


  • gmatheos AT mit DOT edu